How do we support apprentices with additional learning needs?

Lifetime has a dedicated learner support team and a long-standing learner support policy to make sure programmes are adapted to suit all learners.

We’re committed to overcoming learning barriers to make sure learners have the same opportunities regardless of ability or additional needs. Learners with Additional Learning Needs will receive a tailored support programme from Lifetime’s dedicated Learner Support Team.

Initial assessment

An assessment process identifies learners with Additional Learning Needs and allows progress to be measured throughout the programme. All learners complete an initial assessment before starting the programme to understand their level of English and maths competency.

A conversation between the learner, regional trainer and learner support team identify any additional requirements including social needs. Initial assessment scores, further assessment and past learning difficulties factor into the level of support given to the learner.

A dedicated Learner Support Team

A dedicated learner support team provides direct support to apprentices with additional learning needs such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, and dyscalculia. The team completes diagnostics to understand the learner’s requirements, making sure all support is adapted to meet learner needs.

The support team carry out additional function skills training, relevant support programmes, and regular support sessions over the phone and face-to-face.

Learner support programme

A support plan is created for all learners with additional needs which explains the arrangements in place to make sure these needs are met. Support plans are in place for a diverse range of needs and include regular diagnostic reviews to understand the progress being made.

Webinars, workshops, and resources

Learner support sessions can be delivered through webinars and small group workshops, an effective method of providing additional support. Learners can also access support resources at any time through Lifetime’s digital learning platform.

Additional funding

Learning Support Funding is claimed to cover the extra costs of the support programme training. Employers can also receive a £1,000 government incentive for apprentices aged 19 to 24 with Education, Health and Care Plans.

Support with launching an apprenticeship programme

Looking for more information? Find out about working with Lifetime or talk to us to ask your questions about supporting your apprentices.