Department for Transport

How we generated 500+ applications for the Department for Transport by re-focusing its recruitment strategy

An always-on approach to driving inclusivity

For the first time, the Department for Transport (DfT) was looking for an external apprenticeship partner to support their recruitment. After choosing Lifetime in 2020, we launched a successful Business Administration Level 3 apprenticeship programme, with a highly targeted recruitment campaign focussed on equal opportunities and the BAME community.

When it comes to recruiting its teams, the DfT is dedicated to supporting people from diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds – especially if they have previously had limited access to learning.

Lifetime's key objective was to develop a recruitment strategy that aligned to the DfT’s diversity and inclusion goals, at the same time as integrating their current systems to ultimately provide the DfT with a talented pool of candidates.

How we quickly integrated systems and processes with DfT’s hiring team to drive a bespoke recruitment strategy

Working closely with the DfT’s internal recruitment partners, our Apprenticeship Recruitment team shaped a sophisticated targeting and recruitment strategy. Leveraging a wide variety of platforms and partnerships meant the campaign could optimise reach – and make sure the right people were getting the right message.

To help potential candidates gain key insights into available opportunities, the Lifetime team joined briefings, systems training and open day webinars. Collaborating with line managers to develop engagement sessions also drove internal applications, which were supported by internal marketing and communications targeting existing DfT employees.

Campaign impact

In just four weeks, the Lifetime team planned, developed and delivered a personalised end-to-end recruitment campaign, marking the start of a strong partnership with DfT – and helping its team meet their goals for the start of this apprenticeship programme.

applications successfully generated through a more accessible and inclusive recruitment approach
screened applications chosen for assessment following a screening and grading process
high-calibre enrolments on the Business Administration Level 3 apprenticeship programme

With a tailored-made approach, Lifetime's recruitment strategies and apprenticeship programmes work seamlessly with the DfT's long-term workforce planning.

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I can honestly say that this campaign would not be off the ground if it wasn’t for Lifetime’s support and dedication over the last few months. Nothing has been too much trouble for anyone involved and the service offered by Lifetime has been second to none.

Claire Gourley, Head of Apprenticeships at Department for Transport
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