Data Technician

Level 3 apprenticeship

This apprenticeship provides apprentices with the knowledge to handle both structured and unstructured data, ensuring they can analyse, blend, and communicate insights effectively. They will gain expertise in applying legal and ethical principles while supporting business decisions and working with a range of stakeholders.

Start learning


Key information

Could this apprenticeship be for you?

If you meet most of the responsibilities below as part of your existing role, or if you could be supported to meet these responsibilities during your apprenticeship, you could be suitable for this programme.

  • Required to work with data and audit the results?
  • Required to perform analysis and deliver business recommendations?
  • Required to work more efficiently with data in spreadsheets?
  • Is there scope in your organisation for the automation of some data handling operations?
  • Required to learn how to build models to simulate outcomes?
  • Does this role operate as part of a multi-functional team?
  • Required to manipulate and link different data sets?

The modules

  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Approach to work
  • Data quality
  • Data types and formats
  • Extract translate load
  • Data validation
  • Data analysis
  • Communicate and present

Start learning

Please note, you'll need to be employed to learn on one of our apprenticeships, and your manager will need to authorise this (as it's your company who pay for the programme!) so please ensure you have their consent to enrol before you proceed.

If you're interested in this programme for your team, click here to contact us.