Operations Manager

Level 5 apprenticeship


Supports individuals to create and deliver operational plans, lead and manage teams, coach and mentor, and manage projects, change, finances, resources and talent.

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Could this apprenticeship be for you?

If you meet most of these responsibilities as part of your existing role, or if you could be supported to meet these responsibilities during your apprenticeship, you could be suitable for this programme.


  • Responsible for forecasting to senior management in terms of revenue and expenditure in the budget?
  • Does your role allow you to contribute to strategic planning?
  • Responsible for people management such as; recruitment, resource-planning, talent management and performance management?
  • Required to set performance targets and KPI’s for your team?
  • Required to create operational plans in line with organisational objectives?
  • Opportunity to initiate a project by putting together a proposal and/or business case?


The modules

  • Managing and Leading a Team
  • Leadership and Management Principles
  • Stakeholder Relationships
  • Organisation Governance
  • Operational Planning
  • Project Scope
  • Project Implementation
  • Evaluation and Recommendations


Added value

  • Membership with CMI included
  • CMI Level 5 Certificate in Management and Leadership

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Key information

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Please note, you'll need to be employed to learn on one of our apprenticeships, and your manager will need to authorise this (as it's your company who pay for the programme!) so please ensure you have their consent to enrol before you proceed.

If you're interested in this programme for your team, click here to contact us.