New team leader and operations manager apprenticeships are here!

3 minutes


The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education have released new versions of the Level 3 Team Leader and Level 5 Operations Manager apprenticeship standards to improve the relevancy and impact apprenticeships have on your workforce, and Lifetime are ready to deliver these revised programmes with immediate effect.

Talk to us about these new leadership programmes


New team leader and operations manager apprenticeships: what’s changed?

These modernised programmes feature a curriculum that is more relevant to contemporary leadership challenges, incorporating essential topics such as:

Mental health & wellbeing

Recognising the importance of employee well-being, the apprenticeships now include content on mental health awareness, stress management, and promoting a positive work environment.

Diversity, equity & inclusion

To foster a more inclusive and equitable workplace, the curriculum emphasises diversity, equity, and inclusion principles, best practices, and strategies for creating a diverse and inclusive team.

Emerging technologies

In an era driven by technological advancements, learners will gain insights into new technologies, including artificial intelligence, and their implications for leadership.

Ethics & value-based leadership

The revised apprenticeships instil ethical principles and promote value-based leadership, ensuring that future leaders make informed decisions aligned with organisational values.

To enhance learning efficiency, classroom-based delivery has been optimised to ensure content is highly applicable to individuals’ day-to-day roles, with minimal and reduced time away from the day job.

Additionally, the end-point assessment window for the Operations Manager course has been extended by one month, and the programme duration has been increased by two months to accommodate the expanded curriculum.

These revised apprenticeships remain suitable for individuals in the same job roles as their predecessors, and both the Level 3 and Level 5 programmes continue to include a CMI certificate embedded at no additional cost, providing a valuable certification that enhances career prospects.


Introducing new Occupational Duties

Additionally, the introduction of new "Occupational Duties" ensures the program directly addresses the practical skills needed for these roles.

These Occupational Duties include:

  • Leadership and people management
  • Resource management
  • Data analysis and reporting
  • Project management
  • Compliance
  • Risk management
  • Change management
  • Sustainability



  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Team performance
  • Training and development
  • Policy compliance
  • Risk mitigation
  • Operational planning
  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion
  • Improvement opportunities
  • Strategic alignment
  • IT and digital adoption
  • Data-driven decision making
  • Stakeholder management
  • Resource planning
  • Legal compliance
  • Diverse, equitable, and inclusive leadership
  • Complex communication
  • Cross-team collaboration



When do the new leadership and management apprenticeships launch?

Current versions of both the Level 3 Team Leader and Level 5 Operations Manager expire on Wednesday 18th September 2024, and from this date, enrolments onto this programme will not be possible.

The revised leadership and management apprenticeships will be available from Wednesday 18th September 2024, and all enrolments will automatically transition to these new version programmes from this date.



How do I sign my team up for the new leadership and management apprenticeships?

Simply complete the form below, and our team will help you upskill your team with the revised Team Leader and Operations Manager apprenticeships.

Alternatively, you can email us on, or call us on 0333 0143 669.


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